Pet Aesthetician Course: Introductory Science (ex Module 1)

Categories: Module 1

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Course Content

1. The Basics
Study the basic structure and function of the largest organ of the body, the skin. Learn the important role that sebum plays in the over-all health of the skin.

  • “The Basics” lesson
  • “The Basics” quiz

2. Hair
Hair is the first line of defense. Learn the different categories and their specific needs.

3. Basic chemistry
Chemistry is important to understanding the skin as well as the products we use on it. Learn about products, importance of pH, and the derivation of products.

4. The Bath
Everything starts with the bath. Learn how to use products for the best results.

5. Techniques
Technique does make a difference in the results we get. Learn about the benefits of basic bathing as well as close-open-close.

6. Skin Issues
It is important to understand the common skin issues that pets are faced with, so we are able to address them appropriately.

7. The skin you see
Evaluating the skin to be able to come up with a plan to restore the skin is critical for picking the right products and techniques for success.

8. Rules of skin restoration
Learn some basic rules that must be followed to have good results. Stray from these rules and often the results will not be optimal.

9. Grooming salon-petri dish
If you are going to be restoring skin issues it is important not to spread disease to other pets in the salon. Learn areas of your salon that could harbor disease.

10. Nail and paw care
Nails and paws are often sentinel areas of deeper issues. Learn things to evaluate and the care for this area of the body.

11. Ears and their care
Ears are one of the most common areas to exhibit a disease process. Learn about basic anatomy, and routine care of the ears.

12. Anal glands
To squeeze or not to squeeze is a question a lot of groomers struggle with. Learn the anatomy, correct technique, and discuss the risk management of expressing anal glands.

13. Teeth and dental issue
Dental care is an area of a lot of different opinions as to the groomer’s role. Learn the anatomy, basic care, and thoughts on risk management.

14. Ozone
Ozone may be the next major wave of medicine. Learn what it is, how to use it, safety, and some of the many benefits it holds for the health of our pets.