On this page, you will find some useful information to manage your account and your access to the membership. If you haven’t already done so, generate your access password by clicking here and follow the password reset procedure by entering your email.

Free Plan

After verifying your e-mail address, you can then log into your account and follow the instructions below to view the free content. These instructions are based on the orientation of the site on a PC; if you use a phone or other device to access the site, the position of some buttons may vary.

  1. Upon logging in, start by going to the FREE CONENT page on the main menu
  2. On the right side of your computer screen you will see the AVAILABLE SERVICES box. This box will contain links to all available free content. Check back regularly to see new content!

3rd Edition Module 1 for our Certified Pet Aesthetician course

After verifying your e-mail address and logging into your account you can follow the instructions below to begin Module 1. These instructions are based on the orientation of the site on a PC, if you are using you phone or other device to access the site then the location of certain buttons may vary.

  1. After logging in, go to the MEMBERSHIP PROGRAMS page
  2. Select START HERE under Module 1
  3. On the right side of your computer screen, you will see links to the MODULE ONE COURSE and BONUS MATERIAL (VIDEOS)
  4. You are welcome to check out the BONUS MATERIALS at your leisure. These videos are just for your benefit and are not information you will be tested on in the course.
  5. To begin Module 1, select MODULE ONE COURSE
  6. This will take you to the main page where you can view the Intro Video
  7. Before you can begin watching the lesson videos you must click START COURSE to the right of the Intro Video to unlock the videos
  8. You can now begin watching the videos by selecting START LEARNING
  9. Once you have watched the first video as many times as you would like and are ready to take the first quiz, click MARK AS COMPLETE at the top, right hand corner of the video to be taken to the quiz


  • You are welcome to watch each video as many times as you would like before taking the corresponding quiz
  • You will be able to go back and watch each video as many times as you would like even after you have completed the program
  • If you don’t understand anything at any point and want some clarification, feel free to contact us by phone or text at 855-464-8726 or email us at support@petskinacademy.com
  • Take your time and enjoy! There is no time limit to get through Module 1 so don’t feel pressured to rush. The most important thing to us is that you understand the information, we aren’t here to trick you.